Sunday, March 10, 2013

Post #1: Why I Read

Why I read

                I read to learn. To learn about subjects and matters that interests me. From there I learn of other subjects I had not previously heard of. These facts and articles I read are part of an even larger base of knowledge of what we as man-kind have learned, and even what we will discover in our near future. This base is infinite and unfathomable, and holds exciting possibilities to continue learning. However, not only to learn information, but to learn of ideas and stories crafted by millions of diverse minds. These stories, based on facts or fiction improve the other part of my mind, the imaginative side. This side revels in tales of fables and possible happenings. It dives headfirst into the world created by authors and only surfaces at the back cover of their books.  Books have the power to teach, to bend minds, to transport our essences into stories. To experience this, one must be willing to take the first step. The first step being a pivotal leap of faith, you must open to page one. However this endeavor is possibly the most rewarding of all time.

-Adam Rohlinger

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"Why I read"

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