Thursday, April 18, 2013

Adapting World War Z for the Big Screen

            I believe that Paramount Studios will have a difficult time adapting max Brooks’ classic novel. A tale about a lone reporter’s quest to compile an oral history about a worldwide war against a disease that reanimates the dead, who then  attempt to consume the living, and the brave people who fought them. Although I admire Brad Pit as an actor, I don’t believe they will have him sitting still and patiently recording the accounts of brave individuals who battle the zombie blight in this new movie.

            I feel that Paramount Studios will also struggle fitting in several different scenes from the book into their new block-buster, scenes that I enjoyed the most out of the book. These scenes which are from the tale of Colonel Christina Eliopolis a brave U.S. Air Force cargo plane pilot.  First we see her tumble out of a C-130 after using the bathroom, just barely opening her chute as she plummets downward from her burning plane. Then we see her on the ground, surrounded by a hoard of zombies in a Southern Louisiana swamp, but she stands and fights, killing over sixty one zombies with just a sidearm. Finally she is guided by a mysterious radio operator, trekking through dense swamp and zombie infested roads, until the operator who is simply called “Mets” leads her to a landing zone where a rescue helicopter picks her up. When reading this story kept me at the edge of my seat and constantly inspired by her courage. It saddens me to realize that this is just a side story and will most likely be extremely shortened when the screenplay is written.

            Other entire parts of the book will probably be cut from the final film. Such as the cynical character Seryosha Garcia Alvarez and his tale of a Cuba’s struggle into a wealthy and democratic nation. As he recounts the time during the zombie conflict when the shores of Cuba are crowded with immigrants escaping from zombie infested nations. He shows extreme gratitude to those individuals which helped the movement. We would also not see his bitterness toward Castro. Who he believes after years of oppressing his people, got off easy by allowing democracy to be implemented, and is now portrayed as the father of Cuban democracy. We will know nothing about Seryosha or the Cuban democratic movement if this gets cut from the new movie… but it probably will.


Thursday, April 4, 2013

Book 1 Project: Divergent Summer Camp Experience

Book 1 Project: Divergent Summer Camp Experience
By: Adam Rohlinger

                The once in a lifetime experience to train like Tris and experience what Tris felt during her initiation into   the Dauntless faction in the book Divergent, The Dauntless Challenge Summer Camp. This camp would consist of five days of awesome activities that propel you straight into the pages of Divergent , facing “Tris-like” challenges of Dauntless initiation. These activities include zip-lining, paintball, capture the flag, “fear facing challenges” and more.  All these things Tris did in the book, and now you can too, during the best and most action-packed five days of your life!

                In the book Divergent, Tris strives to join the Dauntless faction. A faction devoted to protecting and keeping the peace in an apocalyptic Chicago. Their initiation is tough, requiring physical and mental strength be pushed beyond their limits to become a member. While this summer camp will be less intense and definitely less dangerous, it will still convey Tris's feelings through the process in the book. This allows the campers to experience the book’s atmosphere but not at the cost of losing their life or sanity, as was possible for Tris.  Here is a sample of the Dauntless faction approved schedule for your initiation:

Day 1: (Arrival, trust activity) On the first day of Dauntless Initiation Tris was required to take a leap of faith off the building. While campers on their first day will face challenges from camp staff like drinking “unknown” liquids from covered drinks, helping them learn to trust the camp staff and making them find their own bravery. That night campers will share their greatest fears to campers, helping them bond like Tris did with her fellow initiates. Secretly these fears will be recorded by camp staff and used to provide “fear facing” challenges to the campers on another day similar to the simulations Tris experienced in the book. Anyone else fear drowning? Tris met her worst fear in a glass tank and had to overcome her fright and panic in order to escape. “I slap the glass. I will die in this tank. I drag my shaking hands through my hair” (253).

Day 2: (fitness session, ranking announcement, weapon training, capture the flag paintball, night zip line) On this next day campers will be woken up early by staff and begin an early morning fitness program. This consists of our own Dauntless faction fitness expert exercises. Then students will be lead to the main camp facilities entrance where a sign will have all their names posted in the form of a ranking board. Their ranking will be based on their morning fitness effort and ability. An announcement will be made that at the end of the camp, the top ten ranked campers will receive author signed copies of Divergent, as well as the number one ranked camper receiving a necklace with the Dauntless emblem on it. This is an essential part of the camp experience. During Dauntless initiation training in the book, of the twenty initiates, only the top ten would become members. The others would have to leave and be Faction-less: the poverty stricken in the city. This causes Tris to be more competitive and worried as it will do to the campers, just on less of a degree. This was conveyed in the book as the Dauntless leader Eric says: “You chose us. Now we have to choose you (73).” Then we move on to “weapon training” which will just be an instruction how to safely operate a paintball marker and as well as explain the rules of capture the flag. Campers will play paintball capture the flag like how Tris did and will be forced into the slightly dangerous and tense atmosphere just like Tris was. “Pressure under fire” forces all of our campers to think creatively. That night still tired from paintball, the campers are woken up in their bunks and lead out to a zip line. In the dark they will have to show extreme “Tris like” bravery. Draw strength from Tris’ 100 story building zip line adventure to try to fit in. We hope you walk away thinking as Tris did: “It is a strange blend of terror and eagerness unfamiliar to me until now” (219).

This adventure will take campers to the edge of Tris’ experiences. The challenges will build confidence through an exciting camp experience, which is much safer, but just as memorable as the novel it was inspired by.

                                        BE DIVERGENT!